Jika teman-teman mengikuti tutorial online hingga masuk pada minggu kelima, maka sudah saatnya teman-teman akan ADBI4201 Bahasa Inggris Niaga Tugas 2. Pada postingan kali ini akan diberikan contoh soal Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Niaga ADBI4201.
Teman-teman bisa mendapatkan jawaban tugas 2 pada modul 4 dan 5. Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut contoh soal tugas 2 dari mata kuliah ADBI4201 Bahasa Inggris Niaga. Semoga ini bisa menjadi acuan belajar buat teman-teman sekalian.
Goods and services that have a high elasticity of demand.
When the price of, say, a caribbean holiday rises, the number of vacations demanded falls sharply. Likewise, demand for caribbean holidays rises significantly as averageincome increases, certainly by more than demand for many normal goods. Contrast this with necessities, such as milk or bread, which people usually demand in quite similar quantities whatever their income and whatever the price.
Among the following things, which one is in quite similar quantities regardless of people’s ncome and its price?
D. Motorcycle
Because rice like milk and bread as a basic necessities. any price and any income we have to keep eating
Itulah sedikit contoh soal ADBI4201 Bahasa Inggris Niaga Tugas 2. Ingat jangan plagiat ya, sebab akan mempengaruhi pengerjaan soal pada ujian akhir semester teman-teman. Selamat belajar.
Teman-teman bisa mendapatkan jawaban tugas 2 pada modul 4 dan 5. Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut contoh soal tugas 2 dari mata kuliah ADBI4201 Bahasa Inggris Niaga. Semoga ini bisa menjadi acuan belajar buat teman-teman sekalian.
Soal ADBI4201 Bahasa Inggris Niaga Tugas 2
LuxuriesGoods and services that have a high elasticity of demand.
When the price of, say, a caribbean holiday rises, the number of vacations demanded falls sharply. Likewise, demand for caribbean holidays rises significantly as averageincome increases, certainly by more than demand for many normal goods. Contrast this with necessities, such as milk or bread, which people usually demand in quite similar quantities whatever their income and whatever the price.
Among the following things, which one is in quite similar quantities regardless of people’s ncome and its price?
D. Motorcycle
Jawaban ADBI4201 Bahasa Inggris Niaga Tugas 2
B RiceBecause rice like milk and bread as a basic necessities. any price and any income we have to keep eating
Itulah sedikit contoh soal ADBI4201 Bahasa Inggris Niaga Tugas 2. Ingat jangan plagiat ya, sebab akan mempengaruhi pengerjaan soal pada ujian akhir semester teman-teman. Selamat belajar.
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